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Finance Strategies for Major Life Events

When milestones like retiring or paying for college are decades away, you might not feel any urgency to seek professional finance advice. A casual, do-it-yourself approach to financial planning may seem just fine. But it’s a very different story when major life events occur that require immediate financial decisions. The type of decision that can make or break your financial future.

Johnson Brunetti can help you navigate the changes in your life and provide advice that leads you to make smarter decisions.

If you’ve been a do-it-yourselfer for many years, it can be hard to relinquish full control over your personal finances; however, as the years pass and major events occur, you may be faced with increasingly complex decisions that require special expertise, and your financial choices will have greater significance. Let the professionals at Johnson Brunetti help you reach your financial objectives and enjoy the financial security you deserve. We’ll be here wherever life takes you.

Examples of Major Life Events That a Financial Professional Can Help You With:

A potential job loss, or being forced to retire

It goes without saying that a job loss can be a major threat to your financial security. If the company you’ve worked for is downsizing, you may be given very little time to decide whether to accept a buyout offer/severance package, or stay on the job longer and take your chances. We’ll work with you to evaluate the financial impact of each option, giving consideration to health and life insurance benefits and your retirement savings.

The death of a spouse or partner

When you’re dealing with grief, the last thing you want to worry about is money. Unfortunately, you’ll have to focus on your finances pretty quickly, especially if you didn’t plan for the financial ramifications of your loved one’s death. How will you deal with the potential loss of income? Will your lifestyle have to change? And how will your income tax liability change when you no longer have the benefits associated with filing a joint return?

Retiring from work

Retirement requires a major change in the way you think about investing.  After years of saving, the focus is no longer on growth, but on preserving wealth and generating a reasonable rate of return. When’s the right time to start shifting your focus? How much retirement income can you count on?  And how can you be sure you won’t outlive your money?

Receiving an inheritance

Coming into money is exciting but it comes with big responsibilities. Getting advice from a financial professional can help you make the most of any windfall. Should you add to your saving and investment accounts, pay down debt, or do both?  What’s the best way to do that? How much of this money will you have to pay to the government? Should you update your will or consider a trust? What other estate planning services might you need?

Our Philosophy & Approach to Preparing Financially for Major Life Events

1. We prepare you to take action, not simply react

You’ll often hear us ask “What’s the worst that can happen?” The answer to that question allows us to plan and prepare for the possible outcomes. It’s the starting line in your race to a more confident future.

2. We help you gain a new perspective on investing

Some advisors believe the biggest part of their job is selecting investments, but we see investments as tools in the service of our clients’ financial plans. In our opinion, securities are a means to an end, not an end unto themselves.

3. We value our relationship with you

We’ve never been interested in one and done. Our goal is to build lasting relationships grounded in trust and mutual respect and characterized by regular touch points.

  • Ken D.
    Ken D. is a client of Johnson Brunetti and received no compensation for his statement.

    “I view your company as one that puts my interests first. I think that is very uncommon and very refreshing. “

    Testimonials received in response to Johnson Brunetti survey conducted 2021.  Please click here for a description of the survey and the overall results. 

  • Lisa D.
    Lisa D. is a client of Johnson Brunetti and received no compensation for her statement.

    “Working with Johnson Brunetti has had a positive impact on my life by providing me with the knowledge, confidence, and peace of mind to move forward with my retirement plans. The process of getting to this point, through their guidance, has been informative and pleasurable.”

    Testimonials received in response to Johnson Brunetti survey conducted 2021.  Please click here for a description of the survey and the overall results. 

  • Jeanne P.
    Jeanne P. is a client of Johnson Brunetti and received no compensation for her statement.

    “Matt does an awesome job! So easy to understand and he listens to our concerns and addresses them! happy I chose your firm!”

    Testimonials received in response to Johnson Brunetti survey conducted 2021.  Please click here for a description of the survey and the overall results. 

  • Anonymous
    This testimonial was provided by a client of Johnson Brunetti and received no compensation for their statement.

    “I have been pleased with the help and service I have received from the company. I have met several team members on Eric’s team and have found all of them very well prepared to meet with me when reviewing my portfolio. I always feel that I am an important customer and appreciate that very much. I hope the firm continues to focus on the customer and maintains its great service. I think you do a great job for someone like me!!!! I’m happy I chose your firm!”

    Testimonials received in response to Johnson Brunetti survey conducted 2021.  Please click here for a description of the survey and the overall results. 

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