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Johnson Brunetti 2021 Survey Summary

The Firm surveyed its clients in 2021.  1449 clients responded to the survey.  The survey primarily provided statements and requested respondents to indicate if they agreed, disagreed or strongly agreed or strongly disagreed with the statements presented.   Additionally, respondents were asked to respond to the following question: “Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for improving our services?”  Responses to this question provided the testimonial statements included on our website. 

The Firm calculates that of the 1449 survey respondents, 535 respondents provided a written response to the survey question.  Not all client statements were of a positive nature.  However, most responding clients provided generally positive commentary.  Additionally, The majority of the respondents provided constructive criticisms or suggestions as the question requested. 

As a percentage of all survey respondents, the less favorable results account for approximately 3% of all respondents.  As a percentage of all positive and less favorable commentary, greater than 80% were positive.  Less favorable testimonials have been excluded from display due to the predominantly positive results of the survey question. We do not believe that by including only positive testimonials a reasonable individual would likely infer that all clients had positive experiences. The absence of less favorable testimonials is not intended to be misleading. 

We received less than favorable commentary on topics including: 

  • Reassignment of client accounts to new advisor and support staff;   
  • Not enough meetings, or time with the advisor;
  • Fees too high, more fee transparency;
  • Investment performance; and
  • Concerns regarding the growth of the business. 

In response, we remind clients that their advisor and/or the advisor’s support staff may leave the firm.  Our goal is to reassign your account to another advisor so that there is no loss in the continuity of services provided you. Additionally, advisors may take on different responsibilities requiring that a portion of their client accounts are transitioned to a new advisor.  If clients are displeased with their advisor assignment, they may contact us and request a change.  Also, clients may contact their advisor to schedule a meeting at any time.  We especially request that clients schedule a meeting when their financial circumstances or investment objectives change. Regarding the commentary on fees, we believe that our fees are reasonable based upon the services we offer.   We remind clients that fees are disclosed to them in several documents including the asset management agreement and the Form ADV 2A which they receive annually.  We generally recommend our clients invest in model portfolios, primarily consisting of ETFs.  These model portfolios are periodically rebalanced based upon market conditions.  Clients are invested into the model portfolios based upon their risk tolerance and their advisor’s recommendation.  We encourage clients to discuss performance of their accounts with their advisors in consideration of their risk tolerance.  Finally, we received commentary that the firm was growing and consequently the client was concerned with feeling less important.  We believe that our growth is beneficial to our clients and that resultingly we’ll be in a better position to assist our clients with their investment and retirement needs.   

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